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  1. Visit
  2. Click on Register
  3. Select your college name from the drop-down menu and enter requisite details including official email and contact number to register
  4. A generated password will be sent to your registered email ID
  5. After Registering, login using your college name and generated password
  6. Click on COLLEGE INFO 2024 and enter the enrollment of various batches operational in the college. Select the various types of subjects being offered to a particular batch. If your college offers more than the batches shown, you can use the 'Add Batch' button to add details of another batch. Click Save to save details of all batches. In case the college does not offer a particular batch, they should set its enrollment as zero
  7. Once the requisite information of Batches is filled, you will proceed to the Enrolment Info Page
  8. In the Enrollment Info Page, use the dropdown Menu given to add enrollment details of subjects one by one. Click save subject data once data of a particular subject has been entered. Add only those subjects that are being offered by the college. In case a subject is not being offered as Major/Minor/MD/VA, etc., enter zero against those columns. In case a subject does not appear in the dropdown, use Other Subject 1, Other Subject 2, and add details of the subject in the Remarks field

College Registration